
Lake Mutirikwi Recreational Park


The Mutirikwi recreational park (formerly known as Kyle National Park) is located on the boundary of Mutirikwi lake. It is home to more than 25 species of wild mammals. Animals: Some commonly cited animals include; buffalo, common duiker, eland, impala, kudu, reedbuck, warthog, waterbuck, white rhinoceros, wildebeest, zebra, giraffe, squirrel, black-backed jackal, leopard, honey badger, rockface, hippopotamus, ostrich, crocodile and porcupine. Some of the rarer species include; antbear, bushbuck, bush pig, klipspringer, sable and steenbock Recently the park has witnessed poaching actions, where poachers entered the park premises from the boats. Park needs patrol speed boats to stop malicious actions like this from happening in the future.

Mutarikwi recreational park (project “Water Patrol”)

Highfield Patrol 760 patrol speed boat (this boat will be used to stop poachers from breaching the Park’s premises committing criminal acts inside of park boundaries)

  • Chad

$18700 money raised
As of December 30. 2024. 40,000 hektars will have benefit from improved water and/or sanitation services.
As of December 30. 2024. region will have interventions attained more than 120% of final prticipation objectives.
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Wildlife encounterMellivora systemsAntelopeVolunteer encounterPathfinders Africa